Test your knowledge of atmospheric circulation with this 15-question GCSE quiz.

If you haven't already done it, work through the unit on atmospheric circulation on the PowerPoint. Or look at it again to help fill in any gaps in your knowledge!

And you could watch the tutorial on the Weather of 2020 to find out more.

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QUIZZES // Global atmospheric circulation

Q1. High surface heating around the Equator causes which of the following?

High pressure

Low pressure

Dry conditions

Cool temperatures

Q2. Air descends from high in the atmosphere around what latitudes?

0 and 30

0 and 60

30 and at the Poles

60 and at the Poles

Q3. The North and South Poles experience which of the following?

High pressure

Low pressure

Wet conditions

Hot temperatures

Q4. Areas at 30N and 30S tend to have which of the following?

High pressure

Low pressure

Wet conditions

Cool temperatures

Q5. Which of the following statements about global atmospheric circulation is true?

High pressure causes high precipitation

Deserts are always hot

Winds blow away from the Equator

Climate around the Poles consists of low temperatures and low precipitation

Q6. Air rises from ground level around what latitudes?

0 and 30

0 and 60

30 and at the Poles

60 and at the Poles

Q7. Incoming solar radiation is also called what?





Q8. What are the correct names of the three cells in the global atmospheric circulation system?

Polar, Hedlay, Ferrell

Ferrel, Polar, Hadley

Hadley, Palor, Ferell

Polar, Ferell, Hadley

Q9. Rising air is linked with which of the following?

High pressure

Dry conditions


30 latitude

Q10. Where winds blow towards the Equator and meet, the area is known as what?

The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)

The Interdesert Convergence Zone (IDCZ)

The Intertropical Descending Zone (ITDZ)

The Intercoastal Tropical Zone (ICTZ)

Q11. The Hadley Cell is known as the engine room of the global circulation of energy. But what is the input to the system here?



Solar radiation

Low pressure

Q12. Conditions at the Equator are best described as what?

Hot and wet

Hot and dry

Cool and wet

Cold and dry

Q13. Deserts are most likely to be found where?

At the Equator

At 60N

At 60S

At 30N

Q14. Tropical rainforests are most likely to be found where?

At 30S

At the Equator

At 60N

At 60S

Q15. Which of the following is true of winds at the surface level of the Earth?

They always flow from areas of low pressure to areas of high pressure

They always flow from higher latitudes to lower latitudes

They always flow from lower latitudes to higher latitudes

They always blow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure


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