Test your knowledge of the impacts of climate change on low-income countries and the action they are taking to mitigate its effects with this 14-question GCSE quiz.

If you haven't already done it, work through the unit on LICs and climate change on the PowerPoint. Or look at it again to help fill in any gaps in your knowledge!


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QUIZZES // How successfully are people in LICs fighting back against climate change?

Q1. What is an LIC?

Less informed country

Low income country

Low income continent

Less informed continent

Q2. Which area is becoming wetter?

The Sahel

Southern Asia

Northern and Central Asia

Southern Africa

Q3. Which of these African cities isn’t at risk from sea level rise?





Q4. What has WWF planted along parts of the coastline in Pakistan to protect against storms and flooding?

Palm trees



Salt marsh

Q5. What is meant by mitigating climate change?

Adjusting our way of life to cope with changes

Taking action to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere

Measuring greenhouse gasses to check levels

Warning people when problems are likely to occur

Q6. What is resilience?

Adjusting our way of life to cope with changes

Taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Ability to resist, absorb, adapt and recover from effects of a threat

A way of protesting about climate change

Q7. Which Sustainable Development Goal is about ‘Climate action’?

Goal 1

Goal 6

Goal 13

Goal 16

Q8. Which of the following is not a local benefit of the scheme in Zimbabwe to improve stoves?

The businesses making stoves make bigger profits

Women can make their own stoves using local materials

New stoves are more efficient so burn less wood and release less carbon dioxide

New stoves make less smoke

Q9. Why are schools and community centres being built in Maputo as part of the ‘Living with Floods’ initiative?

There were no schools in this area before

All the schools and community centres had been washed away by floods

The new schools and community centres can be used as shelters during floods

People can move into the schools to live there permanently

Q10. How do children’s activities such as drama and making posters support disaster risk reduction in Dhaka?

They help children forget about times floods have brought disaster to Dhaka

They keep children busy so they don’t get into trouble

They earn money for the children’s organisations to spend on flood defence

They raise awareness of actions people can take to reduce risk

Q11. In which year was the Paris Agreement on climate change adopted?





Q12. What is ocean acidification?

When factories release acid into rivers and the sea, causing acidification of the ocean

When the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and becomes more acidic

When coral reefs die because the ocean water is too acidic

When carbon dioxide in the ocean is absorbed by the atmosphere, making it more acidic

Q13. How are precipitation patterns across Africa projected to change in the future?

There will be more rainfall

There will be less rainfall

Most places will see more rainfall, but some will see less

Most places will see less rainfall, but some will see more

Q14. Which of the places below is a tropical island threatened by climate change?



Isle of Wight



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