Test your knowledge of global systems and migration with this 15-question A level quiz.

If you haven't already done it, work through the global systems and migration web enquiry on the PowerPoint - knowledge of the graphs in particular will be crucial for taking the quiz. Or look at it again to help fill any gaps in what you know!

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QUIZZES // Global systems and migration

Q1. Which of the following are push factors that cause migration?

Low incomes, few economic opportunities, poor housing and inadequate health care

Inadequate health care, low incomes, few economic opportunities and good housing

Poor housing, inadequate health care, low incomes and many economic opportunities

Few economic opportunities, poor housing, inadequate health care and high incomes

Q2. Which of the following are pull factors that cause migration?

Higher incomes, more economic opportunities, worse housing and healthcare

Fewer economic opportunities, better housing, better healthcare and higher incomes

Higher incomes, more economic opportunities, better housing and better healthcare

Better housing, better healthcare, lower incomes and more economic opportunities

Q3. Look at the map of the Human Development Index (HDI) on page 8 of the PowerPoint. Amongst other countries, HDI levels are highest in:

Australia, Chile, Russia, Mexico and Canada

Chile, Mongolia, Turkey, Canada and Australia

Russia, Turkey, Canada, Australia, China

Canada, Australia, Chile, Russia and Turkey

Q4. The flow diagram on page 9, outlining the relationship between migration and development, shows:

Investments directly result in economic growth and employment creation

Education directly influences economic growth and employment creation

Outmigration directly results in economic growth and employment creation

Well-being directly influences economic growth and employment creation

Q5. What are two benefits of emigration (two answers are correct)?

Remittances are sent to the destination country

Remittances are a form of economic leakage from the destination country

Remittances are sent to the source country

Remittance payments to family are spent in the local economy

Q6. Look at the financial inflows graph on page 13. What happened to foreign direct investment from 1990 to 2009?

Increased slowly until 2004, then increased at a faster rate

Increased constantly, reaching US$500bn in 2009

Increased slowly until 2001, then increased at a faster rate

Increased constantly, reaching US$600bn in 2009

Q7. How many rural migrant workers live in urban China?

231 million

251 million

271 million

291 million

Q8. Look at the population density map of China on page 15. Which of the following Chinese cities are located in the most densely populated areas?

Jinan, Chengdu, Lanzhou and Guangzhou

Guangzhou, Jilin, Chengdu and Hangzhou

Chengdu, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Jinan

Hohhot, Guangzhou, Jinan and Chengdu

Q9. Where do the most significant regional migration flows from Asia go (as shown by the graph on page 16)?

Asia, Europe and South America

Africa, North America and Asia

South America, North America and Europe

Asia, North America and Europe

Q10. What is a transit country?

Destination for migrants

Source country from which migrants leave

Country migrants travel through

Country which migrants avoid traveling through

Q11. Refugees are migrants who are forced to move. Why are they persecuted?

Race, religion, nationality or political opinion

Education, religion, nationality or political opinion

Race, sexuality, nationality or political opinion

Race, religion, gender or political opinion

Q12. What does the abbreviation IOM mean?

International Operations for Migrants

International Operations for Migration

International Organisation for Migration

International Organisation for Migrants

Q13. What does the Chinese household registration system (hukou) provide?

Government welfare

Access to resources

Internal migration control

All of the above

Q14. What is the definition of ‘diaspora’?

Migrants from a range of places

Migrants who have returned to their country of origin

Migrants from a specific place who have dispersed globally

Migrants who have lost touch with their country of origin

Q15. Where might migrants travelling from Africa to Northern Europe settle?

Spain, France, Italy or Greece

Italy, Georgia, Spain or France

France, Oman, Greece or Spain

Greece, Spain, Jordan or Italy


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